Get to Know Jed


Family background

Jed, who lives in Los Angeles, CA, is turning one year old this August. His parents, originally from Indonesia, came to the US for their studies and decided to make it their permanent home.

What is your most memorable memory with Jed? 

The little things matter. Honestly, we love spending time with him on a day to day basis. Seeing him hit each milestone gives us a sense of awe and wonder. Jed’s dad in particular loved those newborn contact naps, while Jed’s mom melted when Jed first smiled.

What is Jed’s favorite thing to do?

He currently loves reading books, crawling all over the (prohibited) places, and going on a swing at the park! 

When was the toughest moment in your parenting journey? How did you overcome it?

The hardest one so far was when we all got sick. Sickness just hit so much harder, because as parents you do not get to rest. It is also heartbreaking to see the little one gets sick, though it amazes us how resilient he is!

During the hardest moments of parenthood, we both learn to communicate better, give each other relief as needed, and keep moving forward day by day. Ultimately we keep praying for grace everyday as first time parents. Having community to talk to and to support us also helps so much!

What has been the most surprising thing about becoming parents to baby Jed?

We are surprised by how resilient, expressive, and quick-learner a baby can be! We are constantly surprised by how Jed has exponentially grown from being a newborn to an almost toddler!

Share the best parenting advice you were ever given

Never compare your experience with others, every baby has unique needs that only the parents can learn about and meet them.

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