Get to Know Zee


Family background

Zee's family is a tight-knit group of four, consisting of Zee, Zee’s little baby brother (Zeke), and her parents. They enjoy spending quality time together, finding delicious new restaurants in the Bay Area and singing songs.

What is your most memorable memory with Zee? 

Watching Zee help and show affection to her baby brother is truly heartening. Whether gently patting Zeke’s back to soothe him or eagerly bringing her favorite toy (her doggie plush) to share, her nurturing instincts shine through. These gestures always bring tears of joy and pride for Zee’s dad and mom. Witnessing her little face lights up with tenderness and pride when she makes her baby brother smile or giggle reminds us of the preciousness of sibling relationships and the joy of seeing love grow from such a tender age.

What is Zee’s favorite thing to do?

Zee brings endless joy to our kitchen as ​​she eagerly lends a hand while preparing meals (and sneaks a taste or two along the way). Her enthusiasm for cooking is matched only by her love for cuddling with her baby brother, showering him with affectionate hugs and kisses that melt our hearts. Between kitchen escapades and sibling cuddles, Zee also fills our home with her sweet voice, singing songs with innocent delight that echoes through the halls.

When was the toughest moment in your parenting journey? How did you overcome it?

Becoming new parents was undoubtedly one of the most challenging journeys we've embarked upon, filled with countless unknowns and uncertainties. Just as we began to figure things out, new challenges inevitably arose, testing our patience and resolve. The first two weeks of having Zee was definitely the most challenging, yet rewarding in our lives.

Yet, through it all, we found strength in each other, embracing joy in every precious moment and finding gratitude in Zee's health and happiness. We sought solace and guidance from a supportive community of fellow parents, sharing experiences and learning from each other's journeys. Together, we navigated the ups and downs of parenthood, celebrating small victories and comforting each other through the tougher times, knowing that our shared love and determination would see us through.

What has been the most surprising thing about becoming parents to Zee?

The arrival of Zee brought with it a revelation beyond words: the immense joy that a small person can bring into our lives. In moments both mundane and extraordinary, their laughter, curiosity, and boundless energy light up our days. We were taken aback by the depth of love that surged within us, unbidden yet overwhelming, as we watched them grow, explore, and discover the world. Their smallest achievements became our greatest triumphs, and their tiny hands reaching out filled our hearts to the brim with warmth and affection. Through their presence, we learned that true happiness lies not in grand gestures but in the everyday miracles of witnessing a small person's journey through life.

Share the best parenting advice you were ever given

Surround yourselves with a supportive parenting community where you can freely share your struggles and victories, finding solace and strength in collective understanding. Having a space to connect with others who empathize and support can make the journey of parenthood less daunting and more fulfilling.

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