How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Like a Baby: Jed and Zee's Take on Sleep

Returning from the hospital, the baby seems to be in a perpetual state of slumber. It is only natural to assume that sleep should be a breeze for the little one, right? However, our experience, much like that of many other parents, deviates from this assumption. In the initial weeks, both daytime naps and nighttime sleep pose unexpected challenges.

Luckily, Jed and Zee have proven to be relatively good sleepers, though not without their share of hurdles. Our journey to ensure their restfulness is an ongoing effort, and we continuously strive to do our best to aid them in achieving a peaceful sleep.

Given the unique nature of each baby, our approach may differ from others, but here are some strategies that have worked for us:

1. Darken the Room:

Making the room darker can significantly contribute to creating a sleep-friendly environment for the baby. Dimming the lights during bedtime routines and investing in blackout curtains have proven effective in encouraging longer, uninterrupted sleep. When it is time to be awake, it is then beneficial to bring them outside to get some sunlight if weather permits, or simply brighten the room.

2. Set a routine and pay attention to wake time:

With countless online resources offering various sleeping schedules for babies, it can be tempting to believe that one size fits all. However, our experience has taught us to be flexible and responsive to our babies' cues. Instead of having a rigid schedule, we strive to have consistent routines and watch their age-appropriate wake time instead, which have been crucial to ensure that they have a good rest.

3. White Noise:

Introducing white noise into the baby's sleep environment can be a game-changer. Whether it's the gentle hum of a fan or a purpose-built white noise machine, this constant background sound can drown out disturbances and create a soothing atmosphere conducive to restful sleep.

4. Swaddle:

Swaddling is a timeless technique that provides newborns with a sense of security and comfort. Wrapping Jed and Zee snugly in a swaddle has not only helped them feel secure but has also prevented unnecessary wake-ups caused by startle reflex. To read more, head to our blog regarding swaddle that Jed and Zee recommend (link)

5. Full feedings

Ensuring that Jed and Zee have enough calories during daytime is one of the factors that could set the nighttime sleep for success. Paying attention to the baby's cues is crucial, especially when the baby is going through a growth spurt. 

In our parenting journey, adapting and being open to various strategies has been crucial. As we navigate through the unpredictable landscape of baby sleep, the key is to remain patient, observant, and willing to tweak our approach based on the unique needs of our little ones. After all, a good night's sleep for the baby means a more rested and content household for everyone involved.

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